The Fourth Sage – Stefan Bolz 


On one side, a dark giant: a ruthless corporation, controlling everyone via a highly developed system of artificial intelligence. Every behavior is analyzed. Every outcome is predicted. Nothing is left to chance. On the other side, the losing side, the sole hope for freedom from slavery lies in the raw and unpredictable intuition of a fifteen-year-old girl.


Subgenres: Adventure, Dying Earth, Dystopian, Fantasy, Metaphysical & Visionary

Date first published:  June 12, 2014

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: Born and raised in the beautiful Main River Valley in Germany, Stefan came to the U.S. in 1996 where he settled in upstate New York. He grew up on German poetry, soccer, Nutella, and American music. After coming here, he studied creative writing/screenwriting and psychology. Next came a foray into poetry and essays on life and existential questions which brought him to his first novel, The Three Feathers, a fable about a young rooster who follows his dream and jumps the coop in search of adventure. While in the midst of it, he realized that writing has been his own dream all along. He doesn't like to be pinned down in only one genre and feels at home in Science Fiction, Dystopia, Apocalyptic, Literary, Horror, and Fantasy. Stefan's stories have appeared in The Alien Chronicles (The Future Chronicles): Foreword; The Time Travel Chronicles (Future Chronicles Book 7): Short Story: The Traveler (was optioned by Brittany House Pictures); Tails of the Apocalypse: Protector; Chronicle Worlds - B-Movie: Nightmare; Shapeshifter Chronicles (The Future Chronicles Book 13): The Night of the Hunted; Post Road Magazine: Woven Dreams - On Robert Lamont.

Other information

Cover artist name: Jason Gurley

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

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