Down Below Beyond – T. A. Bruno 


Levort Aatra is a prospector on the planet Tayoxe. While scavenging the wastes of the abandoned world, he discovers a mysterious starship and stakes his claim on it. Little does he know, he just put a big target on his back.


Subgenres: Adventure, Fantasy, Space Fantasy, Space Opera

Date first published:  July 31, 2023

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: T. A. Bruno grew up in a suburb south of Chicago and moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the film industry. Since then, he has brought stories to life for over a decade as a previz artist. At home, he is the proud father of two boys and a husband to a wonderful wife. He wrote his first trilogy of novels in the early 2020’s, the Song of Kamaria. (In the Orbit of Sirens, On the Winds of Quasars, and At the Threshold of the Universe.)

Other information

Cover artist name: Lance Buckley

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Alana Joli Abbott / Lorna Reid

Editor/Formatter’s website: