Blaze of Anger – Melanie Bokstad Horev 


In the divided world of Eden 4023, anger is illegal, hidden, and suppressed.
Doctor Tanger, the new hunter of angry people, is struggling to cope with the loss of a boy who changed his life. With the help of an orphan girl, Dancer, Tanger embarks on a journey of self-discovery that uncovers secrets about his past, the world he lives in, and the unexpected places where anger blazes. As Tanger is torn between loyalty and love, he encounters the Resistance and begins to question the controlling powers of Rita Hart and the Silvers. Will the people of Eden be able to unite and coexist in peace, or will they be forever divided?


Subgenres: Dystopian

Date first published:  July 15, 2023

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: @melaniebokstad


Biography: Melanie's (my) days are spent as a scientist and an author. She has a Ph.D. in molecular cell biology, which means she tends to incorporate pipettes, light science, and microscopes into her stories as they unfold. On a more personal level, she is a sucker for all-things space, coffee, sports, family, and post-apocalyptic books. She's been writing dystopian fiction in her head since childhood and reading sci-fi since middle school. Her favorite authors span wide, her sweet spot being John Scalzi and Hugh Howey.

Other information

Cover artist name: Aaftab Sheikh

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: Michelle Haskew

Editor/Formatter’s website: