An Isolated System – Stephen Weagraff 


Humans have broken free of their home world using massive portals that bend space and provide instantaneous transport between the stars. These gates opened up far flung star systems for new human colonies. But these new worlds were desolate and dangerous so slave labor supplied by synthetic human like workers tamed these hostile planets and let the human colonies take root. But the workers that built the cities, tamed the rivers and dug the mines are now a problem. Fear of the synthetics spread and the new settled humans banish them from the cities to the frontiers, using them as slaves for jobs deemed still too dangerous.But Niko, a slave on a desolate, desert world will discover that all is not what it appears. An accident reveals a secret that could shatter the colony worlds and change the lives of the synthetic slaves forever. In a race against time and the colonial secret service, Niko and his partners must uncover the truth about themselves before it’s too late.


Subgenres: Adventure, Dying Earth, First Contact, Galactic Empire / Colonization

Date first published:  May 21, 2021

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: The world generally astonishes me and sometimes I even write about it. I love fiction especially supernatural fantasy and science fiction. I've been reading these genres for years. I believe the most engaging and innovative work is to be found here. In my work, I strive to write cutting edge content with believable characters even those with a supernatural slant. My hope is that you have as much fun reading my stories as I do writing them! For those interested, my academic training was in philosophy and the classics. I've also spent years designing and writing software but fiction is a lot more fun.

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Cover artist name: Amazon (self)

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