Condition Evolution – Kevin Sinclair 


Does your life suck? Need a helping hand?

When Shaun’s life continues to go from bad to worse, he is offered the chance to escape into an epic game world. One with the power to repair his mind and body while he lives out his wildest dreams.

What could possibly go wrong?

It turns out fighting monsters and obesity is tough wherever you are! Then there’s the unrequited love. Weren’t the women supposed to fall head over heels with the hero? Not in Anatoli, a brutal and unforgiving land on the brink of apocalypse.

If Shaun can survive this very real experience, he might just get to be a hero back in the real world!

Warning, lots of profanity, dark humor and gratuitous violence.


Subgenres: Adventure, Fantasy, Galactic Empire / Colonization, Humorous, LitRPG, Space Fantasy, Space Opera

Date first published:  September 23, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: Kevin Sinclair, was an authour, but decided to become a writer instead, because he can never seem to spell author right at the first time of asking, despite knowing full well how to spell author. An evil curse has clearly been enacted up on him which causes this debilitating facet of his life. After moving on from those turbulent times, he has gone on to create an epic Sci-Fi, Fantasy, LitRPG series: Condition Evolution. Created from his love of the larger questions in life, such as what type of bush is that? And how do you stop slippers smelling? Because bicarbonate of soda doesn't work!

Other information

Cover artist name: eko puteh handriyanto

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

Editor/Formatter’s website: