Arter – Sylas Seabrook 


Arter is the story of a woman whose husband vanishes the night she gives birth, the same night a warning from the Cycle of Ages portends the end of the world. Her quest to find him takes her to the far reaches of Arter, challenges her to her core, and drives her into an unexpected alliance. Along the way, she loses her love, her family, and herself. Absolution comes with the discovery of what it means to be the kind of god she wants to have.

Join Trellia as she traverses the aurora skies of Arter, explores the depths of its mountains, journeys into space, and reaches deep inside herself in search of the one she loves.


Subgenres: Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic, Fantasy

Date first published:  August 1, 2022

On Kindle Unlimited: No

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Author Information



Biography: As 2016 came to a close, I came up with an idea for a new universe of universes. That concept percolated for five years before reaching a boiling point that erupted into what is now known as the Pure Impurity series. The series takes you on a journey back in time, starting with the planet Arter and venturing into its past on Ertra before traveling back to the beginning on Terra, then takes us to the forefront of a battle between the creators of life and those who covet their power. With intense, detailed world building, unique characters, and engaging storylines, the Pure Impurity series is an exciting adventure that takes you deep into my imagination. Bringing this story to life has been a thrilling, educational, and rewarding journey, but what I enjoy the most about writing is the opportunity to grab another person's imagination and paint a whole new world that takes them on an emotional rollercoaster. I look forward to hearing how you enjoy my stories and sharing more of them with you. I haven't always been a writer—my degree is in mathematics, and I spent a number of years as a programmer—but writing is my second joy in life. What's my first? The honor of being a father to an excellent daughter.

Other information

Cover artist name: Dustin Craig

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

Editor/Formatter’s website: