Dusk Mountain Blues – Deston J. Munden 


The Caldwells have one goal in life: to be left alone. They’ve been living on the backwater planet of C’dar for years, smuggling and scavenging their way to a comfortable life on their Homestead. But you know the saying about all good things – they come to an end. The Civilization wasn’t content with falling apart the first time and has finally caught wind of the ol’ boys and girls on their little rock in the middle of nowhere. Ain’t nothing much they can do about that, though…except fight ’em.

It all comes down to three generations of Caldwells— Luke “Drifter” Caldwell, Woodrow “Appetite” Caldwell, and Cassie “Kindle” Caldwell—as they fend for everything they call home.

What is isolation worth?

Great for fans of Gareth L. Powell, James S. A. Corey, X-Men, Firefly, Mass Effect, and Red Dead Redemption.

SPSFC Year 2021

Subgenres: Adventure, Space Fantasy, Space Opera, Space Western

Date first published:  March 24, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SrBuffaloKnight

Website: https://djmunden.wordpress.com/

Biography: Deston “D.J.” Munden is a fantasy and science fiction author, living near the Outerbanks of North Carolina. Somewhere in the vague realm of his late twenties and early thirties, he lives with his brother in a small house in the woods where he taught himself how to imagine and write down worlds with orcs, swords, and magic (and sometimes mutants and spaceships). When he’s not writing, he’s playing video games with his best buds, rolling horribly on multisided dice, eating double his weight in food, trying out new recipes, collecting samurai memorabilia and watching as much anime and reading as much manga as humanly possible (sometimes doing more than one of these things at once).

Other information

Cover artist name: Deck Matthews

Cover artist website: https://varkaschronicles.com/

Editor/Formatter’s name: Nicole Ball

Editor/Formatter’s website: