Nexus Point – K. Pimpinella 


Late in the twenty-third century, teams of Time Rangers boomerang through a nexus point into historical time periods to capture “time runners,” renegade time travelers who would endanger the future by changing the past. KAI SAWYER, son of one of the founders of the Time Rangers, is a Spawn, a genetically enhanced soldier, who has never known his rear admiral father’s love...only his ambition. And as Kai rises through the ranks to become the Time Rangers’ youngest commander ever, he must constantly prove himself to fend off perceptions, even from his own team, that nepotism is behind his meteoric rise. But when Kai and his team are sent to seventeenth-century France to capture a time runner altering the arc of medical advances, Kai finds his strengths used against him ...and as he becomes increasingly aware, a pawn in a dark scheme. 


Subgenres: Adventure, Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Engineering, Military, Time Travel

Date first published:  January 28, 2021

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: @k_pimpinella


Biography: Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, K. Pimpinella now enjoys country living where she enjoys a brilliant night sky full of stars with her husband and two dogs, Dallas and Tonka. Having grown up on Star Wars, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, K. Pimpinella has always enjoyed science fiction. Some of her favourite authors are; Elizabeth Moon, Timothy S. Johnston and Isaac Asimov. She has worked as a paramedic for 20 years, studied space sciences and english at university, was a Trooper with the Queen's York Rangers and volunteered with Global Medics in Thailand and Cambodia as they worked with Halo Trust- a landmine clearance organization, giving her much experience to draw from. In her space time she enjoys snowboard, horse back riding, ice hockey and of course writing exciting action-adventure science fiction stories.

Other information

Cover artist name: Friesen Press

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: Developmental Editor, Randy Surles

Editor/Formatter’s website: