The Immortality Game – Ted Cross 


Moscow, 2138. With the world only beginning to recover from the complete societal collapse of the late 21st Century, Zoya scrapes by prepping corpses for funerals and dreams of saving enough money to have a child. When her brother forces her to bring him a mysterious package, she witnesses his murder and finds herself on the run from ruthless mobsters. Frantically trying to stay alive and save her loved ones, Zoya opens the package and discovers two unusual data cards, one that allows her to fight back against the mafia and another which may hold the key to everlasting life.

SPSFC Year 2021

Subgenres: Artificial Intelligence, Cyberpunk, Dystopian, Techno Thriller

Date first published:  November 24, 2014

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information



Biography: Ted Cross is from Arizona and has spent the past three decades traveling the world as a diplomat, all the time dreaming about writing fantasy and science fiction. He has visited nearly forty countries and lived in nine, including the U.S., Russia, China, Croatia, Iceland, Hungary, Azerbaijan, The Bahamas, and Italy. He has witnessed coup attempts, mafia and terrorist attacks, played chess with several world champions, and had bit parts in a couple of movies. He is married with two sons and currently lives in Rome, Italy.

Other information

Cover artist name: Stephan Martiniere

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Jason Anderson

Editor/Formatter’s website: