Fatal Extraction – Evangeline Rain 


She’s a space pirate and thief…
…who gives to the poor.
Would this modern-day Robin Hood pull off the greatest job in history?

For 10-years Nirvana led the crew she inherited from her father. They trusted her and liked the life, but she had a nagging need for revenge. It had made her some enemies.

Two world leaders wanted her.

Was the ambush the end?

It looked bad for Nirvana and her crew, but she was both a bad ass and quick thinker. The General of Panderon listened, and they made a deal for the lives of her men.

She needed a strong, capable soldier for the job.

What she got was Zane.

A shy, awkward, genius, who suffered from depression and anxiety was to be her partner in crime, but there was more to him than meets the eye. He was better with books than guns.

Don’t judge a book worm by his cover.

You’ll love this wonderful science fiction romance journey, because it has all the excitement, steam, and interesting characters one needs to get hooked on a new series.

Get it now.


Subgenres: Metaphysical & Visionary, Romance, Space Opera

Date first published:  September 12, 2019

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: https://twitter.com/momobananas

Website: https://www.evangelinerain.com/

Biography: Evangeline resides in the sunny island state of Singapore. She’s brought up in a semi-traditional Chinese household, educated in UK English all her life, and grew up immersed in the American Pop culture. She’s a voracious reader of both English and Chinese novels of all genres, but romance remained her favourite. She transports into her own fantasy world at night after she has completed all her boring responsibilities in the day. She copes with her mid-life crisis by pretending to be the kick-ass female leads she loves writing about, and transforms her little writing nook beside the storeroom into the fantastical worlds she dreams about. As a newbie author she doesn’t have a niche genre yet, she just writes whatever comes to her head. She hopes to reach out to more readers to share the joy she experienced in the stories she had written.

Other information

Cover artist name: Julie Nicholls

Cover artist website: http://julienicholls.com/

Editor/Formatter’s name: Christopher Barnes

Editor/Formatter’s website: https://cissellink.com/