The Guy Who Accidentally Started The Apocalypse – David Bushman 


The morning that changed Cameron's life started out like any other. On his way back from Sal's Sandwiches, he came across the hobo that would change his life and the people of Earth forever. Exchanging a free coupon for a wishing stone, Cameron inadvertently touched off an earth-changing event that would mean the death of billions. Forty years old and overweight, he must somehow find a way to fight his way through an alien invasion to keep his species from going extinct. Using whatever alien technology he can scavenge, Cameron plans to do just that. He's not alone as other humans rise to the challenge with the aid of other species sympathetic to their cause. The human race will have to run, gun, and survive if it's going to forge a new way forward through Armageddon Earth.

SPSFC Year 2023

Subgenres: Alien Invasion, Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic, LitRPG

Date first published:  November 18, 2022

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: David J. Bushman is an aspiring independent author who finds himself bouncing around northwest Ohio. After a hiatus following his first published novel, David has debuted with the LitRPG series Darklands Online. Following this he has released his newest series, Armageddon Earth, in the LitFPS subgenre. This series features first-person shooter mechanics amid an alien invasion that is equal parts action and humor.

Other information

Cover artist name: Stephen Landry

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

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