Minimum Safe Distance – X. Ho Yen 


Two transbiological aliens are in a fight over what to do about a dire cosmic threat. They stealthily involve humanity, but things don’t go as planned. An AI expert channeled her autism for science. A violent zealot is her nemesis. Laurence and Matt must reach minimum safe distance from human nature itself to decide the fate of the world.

SPSFC Year 2023

Subgenres: Agripunk / Hopepunk / Solarpunk, Artificial Intelligence, 1, 1, First Contact, Hard SF, Techno Thriller

Date first published:  October 22, 2022

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information



Biography: Two transbiological aliens are in a fight over what to do about a dire cosmic threat. They stealthily involve humanity, but things don’t go as planned. An AI expert channeled her autism for science. A violent zealot is her nemesis. Laurence and Matt must reach minimum safe distance from human nature itself to decide the fate of the world.

Other information

Cover artist name: Cover jointly executed by Casey Weeks,, and X. Ho Yen

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Sarah Cyper (ed.), (layout)

Editor/Formatter’s website: