Crystal Deception – Doug J. Cooper 


Criss lives in a special kind of prison. He can see and hear everything around the world, yet a mesh restrains his reach and keeps him cooperative. His creator, Dr. Jessica Tallette, believes his special abilities offer great promise for humanity. But she fears the consequences of freeing him, because Criss, a sentient artificial intelligence with the intellect of a thousand humans, is too powerful to control.

Guided by her scientific training, Tallette works cautiously with Criss. That is, until the Kardish, an otherwise peaceful race of alien traders, announce they want him for themselves. With technologies superior to Earth’s, the Kardish express their desires with ominous undertones.

The Union of Nations is funding Tallete’s AI research and she turns to them for help. Sid, a special agent charged with leading the response, decides Earth’s greatest weapon is the very AI the aliens intend to possess. But what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? And what is humanity’s role if an interstellar battle among titans starts to rage?


Subgenres: Artificial Intelligence, Space Opera

Date first published:  December 13, 2013

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: When he is not writing science fiction novels, Doug fills his day working as a professor emeritus of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at UConn, and as founder and director of Control Station, Inc. His passions include telling inventive tales, mentoring driven individuals, and everything sci-tech. He lives in Connecticut with his darling wife and with pictures of his son, who is off somewhere in the world creating adventures of his own. (less)

Other information

Cover artist name: Damon Freeman

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Tammy Salyer

Editor/Formatter’s website: