Entropy – Dana Hayward 


DESTINATION MARS! The Lunar Republic is on the run…
Life on Earth is dying from a mysterious cause, and President Kim bets her future on an obscure, young scientist whose theory can only be tested from outer space. The year is 2066, and the race is on against the Chinese to establish a viable lunar colony before the 100th anniversary of mankind’s first step on the Moon. Yet, the Moon is only the first step, the springboard for the permanent settlement of Mars.
“Entropy” is set in the near future where technology has evolved to an astounding degree. Human nature, however, has not; this futuristic novel reads like an expose on our own times.
“Entropy” is much more than a science fiction thriller; it is a running commentary on the times that we live. A dystopic, postapocalyptic, hard science depiction of epic space travel, colonization, and new beginnings for the human race: Entropy is a blockbuster, written by a new voice, waiting to be discovered.

SPSFC Year 2022

Subgenres: Adventure, Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Hard SF, Space Exploration

Date first published:  May 1, 2022

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information


Website: https://www.amazon.com/Mark-Muse/e/B007P2ZKSS)

Biography: DANA HAYWARD aka Mark Muse MARK MUSE has researched, written, edited and published original works in the area of clinical psychology, psychopharmacology, chronic pain, health psychology and psychosomatic medicine. DANA HAYWARD is Mark’s alter ego, who writes fiction, science fiction; as in “ENTROPY”.

Other information

Cover artist name: Buconur

Cover artist website: https://www.fiverr.com

Editor/Formatter’s name: Elizabeth Cottrell

Editor/Formatter’s website: https://www.heartspoken.com/elizabeth-cottrell-bio/