Fid's Crusade – David H. Reiss 


For more than two decades, the sight of Doctor Fid's powered armor has struck terror into the hearts of hero and civilian alike. But when a personal tragedy motivates Doctor Fid to investigate a crime, a plot is uncovered so horrific that even he is taken aback. Haunted by painful memories and profound guilt, the veteran supervillain must race against time if he is to have any hope of confronting the approaching threat. Every battle takes its toll...but the stakes are too high for retreat to be an option.


Subgenres: Adventure, Superhero

Date first published:  March 23, 2018

On Kindle Unlimited: No

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Author Information



Biography: While growing up, I was that weird kid who always had my nose in a book and my head in the clouds. I was the table-top role-playing geek, the comic-book nerd, the story-teller and dreamer. Fortunately, I haven’t changed much. Most of my hobbies revolve around exploring the skills and crafts that I’ve read about in fiction, ranging from primitive stone-age technology to modern robotics. I’ve forged medieval armor and built replica lightsabers, programmed autonomous drones and knapped an arrowhead from flint, started fires by rubbing sticks together and started fires with lasers. I’ve fought with swords, picked locks, taken combat-driving courses, jumped from bridges, and studied a half-dozen martial arts. And I’m mediocre at all these things. But I’m enjoying myself, and that’s what counts. My debut trilogy — the Chronicles of Fid — were my first novel-length projects but they certainly won’t be my last. I’m having far too much fun!

Other information

Cover artist name: Anton Kokarev

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

Editor/Formatter’s website: