Skid Kids – Michael Franz 


Out of the Wastelands for the first time, Zander has never been lonelier. As a mutant he's used to loss, but leaving his 14-year-old sister, Kensy, behind is an emptiness like no other. As he steps through the walls of Westport, her words are the only thing keeping him going:
"Win your freedom. If not for yourself then do it for me."


Subgenres: Dystopian

Date first published:  July 4, 2021

On Kindle Unlimited: No

Book Links

Author Information



Biography: Michael Franz is the author of Skid Kids. His debut novel has received critical acclaim and book two is already underway. He lives in Los Angeles with his girlfriend, son, daughter, two dogs, and a rabbit.

Other information

Cover artist name: Jeff Brown

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

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