For aeons we had swam in the dream sea, our night-time thoughts observed, scrutinized. An intelligence had formed within that endless sea. It whispered to us of a fabled land of enlightenment. Beckoning. On the last outpost in creation, the remnants of the universe gather and wait out the inevitable darkness. The Construct houses the holy and the sinners’ of ages. Here at the end of everything even murder is not outdated. Dispatched by the Pope of Numbers to investigate, the Mapper Heironymous Xindii – one of a select few who can fuse reality and dream together – and his trusty confidante, Solomon Doomfinger take up the case of a man ripped to shreds by another’s dream. It is a case that will define or break them. The city of Testament stands on the abyss of an invisible war and at its centre a force like no other. Here, among skulking gods, wingless angels and krakens, Xindii will face his own history and a future only pre-determined by the power of friendship. Walk with him.


Subgenres: Artificial Intelligence, Cosmic Horror, Fantasy, Genetic Engineering, Hard SF, Horror, Metaphysical & Visionary, Space Fantasy, Weird

Date first published:  September 22, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: @WatsonDom


Biography: Dom Watson lives in the deep green of Suffolk, England. He rants about mental health a lot. He feels he has to, because no one seems to be listening. When he isn't writing about mad space-age detectives and hyper intelligent Neanderthals or pipe smoking babies you may find him cycling in the countryside. Or drinking ale at the nearest tavern. He is trying to cut down on coffee but it isn't working. His brain is the boss and the brain has all the big ideas that will change the world. Well, that's what the brain says, Dom is just along for the crack. Be nice. Don't sleep in the nude. The night is hungry.

Other information

Cover artist name: Blake.

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: Bethan May Hindmarch

Editor/Formatter’s website: