The Cult Shadow – Peter Lamb 


Although he has always dreamed of traveling to the stars, Ricardo Olivera is stranded on Trocken; a planet in the far reaches of the galaxy where inequality is the law of life. Hard as the sands in which he grew up, injustice will put Ricardo on a collision course with the planet’s elite government. Trapped by injustice, he will leave his life behind and embark on a journey that will test him, and confront him with an ancient evil that grows in the shadows. Ranging from the desolate and hard sands of Trocken to bustling cities enthroned in glass. The Cult Shadow tells the story of idealists, soldiers, rulers, and troubadours, and of an evil slipping among cosmic winds.


Subgenres: Adventure, Cosmic Horror, Space Opera, Weird

Date first published:  November 6, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: No

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Cover artist name: warrendesign

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