The Earth Concurrence – Julia Huni 


A hero with big expectations. A daughter who doesn’t want to live in his shadow.

Siti Kassis, daughter of the “Hero of Darenti Four,” doesn't know what she wants out of life. A lot of her friends are taking time to travel and see the galaxy. But her father wants her to attend the Academy and follow in his footsteps.

Then the Hero is offered one last assignment: take a team to find and explore the deserted homeworld of mankind. It’s a twenty-year mission, and he doesn’t want to leave his only child behind. Siti's going, whether she wants to or not.

It's an exciting mission and a chance to make history--even if twenty years in deep sleep is a bummer of a way to start her “gap year.” But when they arrive, nothing is as they expected. Surprising finds and dangerous conditions cause her father to overreact, keeping Siti on a tight leash. When unknown enemies rear their dangerous heads, Siti must take matters into her own hands. Can the hero’s daughter save the day?


Subgenres: Adventure, Space Opera

Date first published:  November 23, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: Julia Huni writes hopeful science fiction full of heart and humor. She studied Computer Science and National Security, both of which she ignores completely when making up stories involving computers and politics. While serving in the US Air Force, she worked on a NASA program, and thus considers herself a rocket scientist. Julia’s published books include the Colonial Explorer Corps series, the Space Janitor books (beginning with The Vacuum of Space,) and the Krimson Empire series (with Craig Martelle.) She’s also recently ventured into serial writing with Amazon’s Vella program, for which she is writing a sci-fi secret-agent rom-com set in space called The Phoenix and Katie Li. She has a spouse, three children, and a house that could really use a few more cleaning robots.

Other information

Cover artist name: JL WIlson Designs

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Paula Lester

Editor/Formatter’s website: