The Enodia Enigma – Christopher J Wright 


Enodia – an obscure, unimportant world.

As humanity emerges from a galactic dark age, Amber Stefans is drawn to the newly rediscovered planet. What starts as academic curiosity grows more urgent when an ancient superstition proves to have sinister roots.

Navy Lieutenant Yorvin Bandrell has a simpler problem – he wants to see his wife and family again. Stranded, his search for a way home unearths a long-buried secret.

Amber and Yorvin have never met.

They never will.

In “The Enodia Enigma” by Christopher J Wright, Amber and Yorvin’s lives are brought together by a mystery that threatens all humanity, unleashing events that will forever change mankind’s place in the universe.


Subgenres: Adventure, Alien Invasion, Crime & Mystery, First Contact

Date first published:  November 21, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: @ChrstphrJWrght


Biography: Christopher J Wright was born in the north-east of England, raised on a heady mix of seaside video arcades, fantasy novels and science fiction. A measure of numeric competence led to university courses in mathematics and computer science. Afterwards, a career in IT beckoned – firstly in academia, then the computer games industry and, finally, in the real world. He lives in Northamptonshire with Karen, his wife, close to their three grown children and a growing flock of grandchildren.

Other information

Cover artist name: Ambient Studios

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Michael J Richards

Editor/Formatter’s website: