The Sphere: A Journey In Time – Michelle McBeth 


Adelaide loves her job, but who wouldn’t enjoy traveling to the past to unravel the great enigmas of human history? The rules and regulations of her mysterious workplace may seem rather severe, but their need becomes apparent when a coworker returns from a mission decades older and unable to remember his life in the future. Adelaide embarks on a desperate journey through time to save her friend before he becomes trapped in the past. When her own timeline takes an unexpected turn, the fates of everyone she knows are at stake, and the secrets she uncovers put her own life at risk.


Subgenres: Adventure, Time Travel

Date first published:  December 30, 2014

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

Book Links

Author Information

Twitter: MichelleAMcBeth


Biography: Michelle McBeth has been writing short and long form fiction since 2012 when she entered the Nanowrimo contest on a dare. She is working on finishing her 5 book series, "The Sphere Saga", about a woman who works for a secret lab that sends people back in time to solve mysteries. One of her short stories, "Fire Drill in Motherhood" has been published in the Virginia Writers Club Centennial Anthology. She is thrilled to be counted among the best writers in the state of Virginia. She lives in Alexandria, VA with her husband and her sons, where she spends her days working as an engineer for the Navy, and her nights engaging the other half of her brain as an author, actor, and creator. More information about Michelle can be found on her website:

Other information

Cover artist name: Sean T. McBeth

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: 

Editor/Formatter’s website: