To Flail Against Infinity – J.P. Valentine 


Infinite power, infinite danger.

Growing up mortal, I only knew a few things about cultivators. They like their hierarchies, they hate disrespect, and if you leave one out in deep space long enough, they'll go homicidally insane.

It turns out, there's a reason for that. Away from all the gravity wells and biospheres that generate natural energy, things get just quiet enough to notice the infinite ocean of qi entirely incompatible with our own.

I should know. I've seen it.

Only difference is, I didn't go mad. I wasn't a cultivator. Technically, I wasn't even alive.

But now I can sense it. I can touch it.

I can cultivate it.


Subgenres: Adventure, Cultivation, Fantasy, Humorous, Metaphysical & Visionary, Space Fantasy, Space Opera

Date first published:  April 1, 2023

On Kindle Unlimited: Yes

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Author Information



Biography: J.P. Valentine became an author entirely by accident. The warning signs were there: a childhood spent powering through books faster than his parents could buy them, a vocabulary well past pretentious and into obnoxious, and just enough hubris to think people would actually care what he had to say. All it took was enough boredom to get started and a surprise burst of online readers to stoke his ego at the right moment, and suddenly he’s published nine books spanning the spectrum from tragedy to comedy. Oops. Now he spends his days hiding away from the California sun pacing circles around his living room while he comes up with new and unique ways to use action, humor, and interesting worldbuilding in his eternal quest to trick people into reading poetry. It hasn’t worked yet.

Other information

Cover artist name: Rashed AlAkroka

Cover artist website: 

Editor/Formatter’s name: April Kelly

Editor/Formatter’s website: