Transference – B.T. Keaton 


Barrabas Madzimure is banished to the desert planet Eridania for his many crimes. Slaves to the Church and to the will of its prophet Jovian, a charismatic figurehead who rules everything on Earth, Madzimure and his cohorts toil underground digging endlessly for the substance eridanium—the source of Jovian’s alien power.

But Madzimure can no longer hide from his past. Facing execution he claims to have once been Thaniel Kilraven, transferred decades earlier into the body of Madzimure against his will. Under interrogation the stories of both men are brought to light, and the terrible fate of the lost Kilraven bloodline is revealed.

Madzimure escapes, knowing the only way to salvage what’s left of the Kilraven name and confront his destiny—and Jovian—is by facing them head on. But the horrific truths he finds on Earth might be the undoing of all mankind. What if everything humanity believed about civilization was a lie? Will anything or anyone be left from the fallout?

SPSFC Year 2022

Subgenres: Apocalyptic / Post-Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Metaphysical & Visionary

Date first published:  January 13, 2020

On Kindle Unlimited: No

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Author Information



Biography: Brandon Keaton is citizen of beautiful Aotearoa. Some of his career highlights include slaving joyfully in big-box retail, making coffee for advertising execs, and duty-managing a craft beer brewery. He is passionate about music, loves animals, and has an undying affinity for gummy bears. His sleep patterns are currently being disrupted by ongoing attempts to finish the sequel to his debut novel, Transference.

Other information

Cover artist name: Damonza

Cover artist website:

Editor/Formatter’s name: Bodie Dykstra

Editor/Formatter’s website: