A special interview with David Hoffer!



Name and where are you from? (specific location is optional)

David Hoffer, living and writing in Del Mar, California.

How many other books have you self-published?

MELODY is my debut novel.

Tell us a little bit about your discovery of science fiction (books, shows, movies) and why did it stick with you?

As a child, I loved the original Star Trek (cartoon included) and recall being in awe when watching the first Star Wars in a theatre. At the secondhand bookshop, I’d leave with arms full of paperbacks. Science fiction was more than just entertainment for me – it ignited my imagination and expanded my world.

What/who made you want to become an author?

A spark of inspiration is all it took. The 14th Dalai Lama claimed that if rebirth were true for one person, then it has to be true for all. After hearing this, I recall thinking, “Well, if that’s the case, then it can’t be limited to Earth.” Shortly afterward, I began writing a tale about a little girl taking a picture of the night sky with her father.

What elements do you feel makes your book unique’?Melody: A First Contact Techno-Thriller by [David Hoffer]

I want the reader to believe the events in the book could actually exist in our world. The science is real, from detecting gravitational waves to virtual machines, and events unfold in a way I believe society would deal with the challenge of first contact (i.e., not well).

What are some themes or ideas you like to explore in your writing? What may have inspired these?

I love stories that explore the human condition through the prism of science and an ever-expanding understanding of the universe(s). The more I learn, the more I wonder, and I try to bring that feeling into my writing. To quote Carl Sagan, “When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual.”

What are some of your favorite tropes and how do you explore these in your writing?

First contact is a favorite, though I read and enjoy everything sci-fi has to offer. For Melody, I put a unique spin on familiar tropes. Hopefully, the reader feels the book is unlike anything they’ve read before.

What’s something about your book we might not get from the blurb?

“Arrival” meets “Contact” meets “Starman”.

What was your path or decision to self-publish? Had you queried for publishers or planned self-publish?

I’d always intended to self-publish, though I went through the motions of querying agents. That experience only reinforced the sense of empowerment by having published my own work.

What’s something you’ve learned about the self-publishing process?

I developed a passion for marketing, whether it be through paid advertising, working with newsletters, developing a cover, or writing a blurb.

What is one thing that you love about the current state of Science Fiction and what is one thing that you wish you saw more of?

I encourage every author to speak out against the growing threats to our freedoms. Love who you want, read what you want, and use whatever pronouns you care to use. It’s nobody’s business but your own. Intolerance and hatred need to be confronted and defeated. Fortunately, we (still) have the option of using the ballot box.

What’s up next for you as a writer?

I’m currently writing the sequel to MELODY. Thank you to the readers who left kind reviews or otherwise reached out. This sequel wouldn’t have happened without your support and encouragement.


